Web-based activities, projects, and internet resources for science


Location: http://www.refdesk.com

Title: Refdesk.com

Description: This website contains online reference resources for students


Location:  http://www.learner.org/jnorth/

Title: Journey North 

Description:  Journey North for Kids: A simple, student-directed entry point to Journey North studies. Engaging stories, photos, videos, and slide shows from the natural world build observation skills, inspire scientific thinking, and create fertile ground for discussions and new questions!


Location: http://www.k12science.org/curriculum/bucketproj/

Title: Bucket Buddies

Description:  Students around the United States and other countries will collect samples from local ponds to answer the question: Are the organisms found in pond water the same all over the world?


Location: http://www.k12science.org/currichome.html

Title: The Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education

Description: Focuses on projects that utilize real time data available from the Internet, and collaborative projects that utilize the Internet's potential to reach peers and experts around the world.


Location: http://trackstar.4teachers.org/trackstar/

Title: Trackstar

Description: TrackStar is your starting point for online lessons and activities.  Requires username and password login.


Location:  http://cc.harcourt.com/workshops/memphis/schedule_day1.htm

Title: Camp Connect Science

Description:  Developing a hotlist, writeboard, TeacherTube-A Vision of K-12 Students Today


Location:  http://cc.harcourt.com/workshops/memphis/resources.htm

Title: Camp Connect Science

Description: Content area, web-based resources



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